Why Saving Money Isn’t Investing

Here at genesis.studio, we foster a culture of learning, helping our employees to accomplish their goals and to grow their personal skills in the financial world. But we realized that you deserve to be informed about these subjects as well so, in order to help you acquire more information about investments and finances, we would […]

genesis.studio is opening job opportunities for Ukranian nationals

We are living in challenging times. We at genesis.studio have several open positions for which we welcome our Ukrainian friends and all citizens of Europe. We can help find accommodation and handle the paperwork needed for you to live and work in Portugal.We are especially committed to helping war refugees coming to Portugal. If you […]

Microsoft’s Building the Future Conference explored new ways of work

Flexible Work has been integrated in many companies worldwide, especially since the Covid-19 Pandemic took the lead in our lives. There is an increasing feeling amongst professionals from different sectors that this way of working is here for the long run. At Microsoft’s Building the Future Online Conference, many speakers confirmed these expectations by presenting new studies […]

6 Steps You Should Take Before Investing Your Money

At genesis.studio, we are invested in creating a more informed community of techies. Personal finances and investments are two topics we are focused on this year, and the reason behind the internal webinar cycle we started this January, with a session called “Introduction to Investments”.Among various topics, the speakers Miguel Pinto Ferreira and Luís Pinto talked […]

Portugal: The Best Country To Work Remotely

Portugal nominated the best country to work remotely Portugal has proven time and time again to always be on the top five of any index, regarding the best country to work remotely at. But now it seems Portugal has been ranked number one on many different ranking systems. Lucky for us, here at genesis.studio we’re both in Portugal and […]

How Smart Contracts Can Accelerate Your AI & Analytics Roadmap

Article at DAML.com “A recent study showed that almost 40% of the AI, analytics and data management investments by an organization go towards aggregating data from multiple internal and external source systems, reconciling inconsistencies, and creating a clean golden source of information. In addition, a significant budget is allocated for IT and operational customer service spending […]

Automation to Increase Productivity

If we analyze the economic reports of several countries, we notice that the concept of “productivity” is much more used and studied in strong economies than in weak ones. However, with the technological evolution and with the change of mentalities of many companies and, mainly, of workers, many are those who seek to make their […]